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Services at Precipice Counseling

As you have likely discovered on the homepage, we take a unique approach to therapeutic services. We offer the same type of services as any other mental health practice, which includes: Evaluation/Assessment, Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, and Group Therapy.

However, just as different general contractors may take a different approach to remodel your home, each practice will take a different approach to therapy. Neither is better or worse, but the task is to find what works for you. 

Precipice Counseling's services are one of the following: 

Proven Treatments

There are a lot of proven treatments to address mental and emotional challenges. Some you have likely heard of are: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mind-Body Bridging (MBB), Dielectric Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and the list goes on. 

Similarly to when you visit your primary care, you may have entered that session aware of a medication you seen in a commercial, that peaked your interest to talk to your doctor. They may have prescribed that one or offered something more appropriate for you based on their evaluation of you. As the recovery specialist, we understand people may gain some sense of recovery from any or all of these treatments. We seek to find and use the treatment that will get you the longest and most fulfilled future in recovery, without limiting to short term solutions.

Unique Approaches

The "proven" treatments above is done by research and universities during clinical trials with people willing to be studied. The important thing to know in all research is the majority of what is "proven" is done by finding a treatment where ~roughly~ 80% of participants receive benefit from the service. 

On one hand that is exciting to know the majority experience improvement. On the other hand, that means 20% received less than ideal response to the treatment. What works for you, may not work someone else, and we know this. Our goal is to find those 20%, and identify what would work for them. 

Research and Creation

One of the greatest "uniquenesses" with Precipice Counseling is our clinicians efforts and focus on advancement and improvement. The ~20% of unresponsiveness to "proven" treatments, may not fit snuggly in a different proven treatment.

The Clinical team at Precipice Counseling is given time each day to improve their skills, identify new skills, collaborate with other professionals, and use their expertise to better serve you in your recovery journey. In essence using proven treatments as a foundation, Precipice Counseling may "create" something unique to serve you and assist towards recovery. 

How we differ from others

There is a lot of education on the web and in the community about what the struggles look like, and treatments available. Precipice Counseling shifts focus towards what is "unknown." Take a moment to explore the possibility of what is unknown as you read these sections. 

Girl in Therapy

Step 1: The Past

Some of the obvious things we know are the answers to the following: What issues are causing you to seek therapy? What have you already tried that either helped or didn't help? What things have we learned from our past, that help/hinder any change?
These answers have probably been talked about with everyone within your team.

Services: Our Team

Other Useful Services

These are separate agencies/services we work with frequently, that could be useful to you. They operate independent from Precipice Counseling, but provide useful services in this journey.


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